Financial Assistance Programs

Several entities offer financial assistance to landowners as funding becomes available. The CWSC can help guide you in choosing the program that will best suite your needs and help guide you through the process.

Forest stewardship plan and fuel reduction assistance (cost share)

Supported by grant funds from the USDA Forest Service, DNR administers the Eastern Washington Forest Landowner Cost-Share Program to improve forest health and reduce the threat of bark beetle and wildfire damage in eastern Washington. Non-federal owners of forestland in eastern Washington, who own a total of no more than 5,000 forested acres in Washington state, are eligible to participate.

Costs borne by the landowner for eligible activities (such as forest stewardship plans, brush control, non-commercial thinning, pruning, prescribed burn, and slash disposal) are reimbursed up to a pre-determined amount by DNR.

For more information

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (509) 856-5608

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Fuel reduction and post fire recovery assistance (financial assistance)

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is now accepting applications from agricultural producers statewide who were impacted by wildfires in 2014 or 2015 for post fire recovery assistance.

NRCS is also accepting applications for wildfire risk reduction projects on forested lands over 20 acres.

Although applications are accepted on a year-round basis, eligible producers and entities interested will have three cut-off dates to submit their applications for consideration for funding in fiscal year 2017.

Contact Christopher Wright, Resource Conservationist (Wenatchee office): [email protected]

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Fuel reduction and Home Assessments, Forest stewardship planning, roving chipper program, technical and financial assistance for private landowners

Cost-share for forest health improvement projects can cover up to 75% of total project, cost-funding dependent.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (509) 436-1601

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Businesses, non-profits, individuals, utilities, etc.

The USDA Rural Development Program has over 50 financial assistance programs available.

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The Small Business Administration offers disaster loans, tips, and resources for businesses.

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